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Exhibition “Digitals”

Prints from the exhibition “Digitals”
Print from the exhibition “Digitals”
Print from the exhibition “Digitals”
Print from the exhibition “Digitals”
Print from the exhibition “Digitals”
Print from the exhibition “Digitals”
Prints from the exhibition “Digitals”
Prints from the exhibition “Digitals”
Brochure from the exhibition “Digitals”
Poster for the opening of the exhibition “Digitals”

The exhibition “Digitals” includes 12 works of art – digital prints by young artists. These pieces showcase the 2-way relationship between technology and art, as they combine fine art and digital media. The exhibition “Digitals” is part of the Athens Print Fest/Second Edition-Plan B (2012). 

Part of an International Festival

Alpha Bank participates in the Athens Print Fest/Second Edition–Plan B (2012) with the exhibition “Digitals”. The exhibition, which includes digital prints, was initially hosted at the exhibition space of the Alpha Bank headquarters, between January and June 2012.

12 pieces with a unique point of view

The exhibition was organised on the occasion of the Alpha Bank Art Collection acquiring a series of 12 prints. The Collection obtained these 12 pieces in 2011. They are the work of young artists.

The aim of the exhibition was to acquaint and familiarise the audience with modern printmaking techniques, and their unique and interesting point of view.

A 2nd creative intervention

On the occasion of the Athens Print Fest/Second Edition-Plan B, the artists who participate in the “Digitals” were called to intervene one more time on their works manually.

Their aim was to differentiate the rationale of the exhibition and enhance its contents.

The artists

The following artists participate in the exhibition: Elli Griva, Georgia Damopoulou, Charalambos Dermatis, Katerina Diakomi, Natalia Kerkyra, Eva Marathaki, Pantelis Xirocheimonas, Lenia Economou, Konstantinos Papamichalopoulos, Miltiadis Petalas, Amalia Stavroulaki and George Tserionis.

Accompanying publications

For the purposes of the exhibition, an accompanying 4-page brochure was published, which is now out of print.