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Year published: 2011

Leonardos Mercatis (1838-1901)

The informational brochure Leonardos Mercatis (1838-1901) was published on the occasion of the donation of Leonardos Mercatis’ bust by Eleni Drakopoulou-Mercati.

Publication details
  • Edited by: Andromachi Theodoropoulou, Despoina Tsourgianni
  • Language: Greek
  • Year published: 2011

Contents of the publication

The informational brochure Leonardos Mercatis (1838-1901) includes a biography of Leonardos Mercatis. Leonardos Mercatis was General Manager of the Athens branch of the Ionian Bank since 1895 and General Manager of Greek branches from 1898 until his death.

The brochure was published on the occasion of the donation of his marble bust, which was created by sculptor Georgios Vroutos (1843-1909). For years, the bust had been installed at the yard of the Agios Ioannis Benizelon church, on the Merkatis Estate.

After being donated by Eleni Drakopoulou-Merkati, the bust was placed at the ground floor of the Ionian Bank headquarters on Pesmazoglou Street.

Edited by: Andromachi Theodoropoulou, Despoina Tsourgianni
Place and time: Athens, 2011
Dimensions: 21 x 9.5 cm
Pages: 4-page brochure
Cover type: Paperback